Get your six packs in a week

Ok sorry, but actually you can't. There is no fast/easy way to build your packs. In addition to doing regular abdominal exercises, you also need to burn the excess fats in your abdominals for the muscles to show. Basically there are a few things that you need.

1) Exercise - obviously, but what kind? Is just crunches enough?
2) Burn fat - how?
3) Eat right - eat healthy, not skip meals.

First of all, exercise. There are lots and lots of abdominal exercises that you can do. From sit-ups, to leg raises. Which to do is up to you, but make sure you exercise the overall abdominals instead of just concentrating on a certain area.

Burning fat. This is not certainly not easy for many people, but I found a good way to reduce that fat is to cycle, and run. Do it always, and it will show.

Eating right. You should east proper meals everyday, and try to reduce oily foods, eat more fruits and vegetables. Don't skip your meals.

Finally, there is determination. Results will not show in just a week or two. Depending on the person, it can take months to years. Do some research, find out what works for you, and don't be lazy. Get up and work out.


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