Regardless of where you read it, there are no proper spot reduction exercises. To lose that belly, the best thing to do is to lose overall fat. Sure, doing regular sit-ups may help make your abs slightly more visible by building stronger muscles, it would not burn enough fat to lose that belly.
To lose the fat and developing the abdominals require a mix of aerobics and calisthenics as well as a bit of weight training. Aerobic exercises, commonly interchanged with cardio are actually inaccurate. Cardio refers to the heart. Therefore cardio exercises are generally to strengthen the heart muscle. Losing fat means doing aerobics, some which I personally enjoy, walking and cycling. Jump rope is also a good alternative. These are exercises which require regular training, and patience is the key. Keep doing that, and you’re bound to see some results sooner or later. (while maintaining a proper diet!). Another important aspect in losing fats is doing strength training.
Of course, just by losing the fats won’t gain you any muscles. For beginners start with sit-ups, or crunches which trains the upper abs, leg raises and frog kicks that works the lower abs. There are many variations of abdominal training, and the different intensities and repetitions which you should research and see which works best. What works for me may not work for you.
What’s the best abs exercise? I really can’t tell. Only you can. Remember, if your abs is hurting the day after your work out, congratulations. You’ve just gotten stronger.
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